What we do

How can we help?

Colourful perennials

Whether you've got small borders, large borders, or simply some pots on the patio, perennial plants - those that come back and flower year after year - are just what you need.

We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of spring, summer and autumn flowering plants that will bring colour and interest to your garden.

Trees and shrubs

Trees and shrubs give your garden a structure all year round that is then brought to life by perennial and seasonal planting. 

We stock a range of small to medium size trees ideal for the size of garden that most of us have these days. And they're usually ok for getting in the back of a car too!

We also stock many evergreen and deciduous (lose their leaves) shrubs.


Dahlias are how it all began for us... Come in and we'll tell you the story!

Brash and bold, there is nothing subtle about a dahlia. After many years of being "those plants your grandad grew", they're now coming back into fashion in a big way.

The reason? They flower from midsummer until the first frosts!

Our dahlias getting potted and will be available from late May.

Summer bedding

No summer garden is complete without a splash of brightly coloured bedding plants. Whether you've got pots, containers, troughs or crates we've got everything you need to fill them.

Our bedding plants will be available from mid/late-May.

Hanging baskets

Why not get us to pop some of our lovely summer bedding in a basket for you? We sell a range of ready-made, off-the-peg baskets that you can just take away.

But if you want something a little more special we can make a basket up to your specific requirements. We can also refill your own baskets, hayracks and containers.

Come and talk to us about it.

Customers are already bringing their baskets in to be refilled with summer colour. They won't be ready to leave us until mid/late-May, but now's the time to get in the queue!


From September onwards out Bulb Hut is stocked and open for business!

We don't package our bulbs up, they're all in open bowls for you to pick and choose as many or as few as you want.

So come and grab a bag and have fun!

Dry bulbs will be available from mid-September.

Potted bulbs

Forgot to buy your bulbs in the autumn? Don't panic!

We open in February each year with a super collection of potted spring bulbs, all ready to bring some colour to your garden.

Pop them in the ground, pop them in a pot or just leave them as they are. The choice is yours!

We still have some potted bulbs available, but they're going fast.

Plant sourcing

We're very proud of the wide range of plants we have available at the nursery but, being small, we can't have everything in every size. There are also certain things, like large specimen plants or bareroot hedging, that we buy in to order.

So if you find that there's a plant you're after and we don't have it in, we will always try and track it down for you. We have very good wholesalers who can often provide what you're after, but if they can't do it we also have contacts with other nurseries.

Border design

Got a bed or border and no idea where to start? Come and chat to us about our border design services. 

If you want to go ahead then we usually ask that you bring in some photos of the space you're wanting to plant up, together with rough measurements and an idea of what sort of planting you want (which might be "I don't know").

Then leave the rest to us. When we've come up with a plan we'll ask you to pop in so we can show you the plants we've chosen, all laid out as they will be in your garden.

Garden design

Sometimes you've got larger plans. Perhaps you've lived with the garden for many years and it's time for a change, or the children have now left home and you want a garden just for yourselves.

Whatever the reason, we can try and help you re-design your outside space to suit your current situation.

Feel free to talk to us about how we might be able to help you.

Talks and visits

If you'd like us to come and chat to your gardening group let us know. Current talks include:

  • Starting a nursery
  • Planting tricky places
  • Designing with plants
  • Propagation : The growing year
  • Gardens in a changing climate
  • New to gardening : Things to consider
  • Putting the garden to bed for the winter
  • Exploring the winter garden

We also welcome groups to the nursery for visits (plus tea and cake!).

If you'd like to arrange something, please get in touch.

Out and about

Although primarily based at the nursery, we do occasionally venture out of Millthorpe and pitch up our gazebo and table at a local event. It's a great way of meeting new people and telling them about what we do.

You can always see us at Holmesfield Local Market, Barlow Open Gardens, Grindleford Horticultural Show and Froggatt Show.

If you're running a show or event and think that a plant stall would be a great addition, please get in touch and we can discuss it.

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